Business Model

Khainza Energy is committed to providing clean, safe, and affordable cooking fuel solutions to Ugandans. It is an innovative circular economy business that obtains organic waste from smallholder farms and local households for processing and refinement into high-purity methane. It then distributes cooking appliances and affordable, recyclable biogas cylinders locally, incorporating local women, youth, and farmers along its value chain and distribution channels.

Khainza Energy's eco-inclusive business model provides low-cost cooking fuel solutions to low- income Ugandans, and creates jobs for a multitude of local partners, suppliers, employees, and customers.

Biogas Construction

We install efficient, customized biogas systems in households, farms and schools. Cook longer with us!

Biogas Maintenance

We repair and refurbish malfunctioning biogas systems by optimizing their performance to increase gas flow.

Biogas Training

We equip youth and women with applicable and sustainable skills in biogas technologies. Become an Expert!

Biogas Packaging

We enhance the quality of biogas to a purity of 98% and package it in recyclable cylinders for sale to remote markets.


We enable clients to transform organic materials into low cost electricity using biogas generators.

Community Outreach

Our company is passionate about improving access to cleaner fuels and creating a more sustainable environment.

By choosing to work with us, you can be guaranteed a wholesome clean cooking experience!

Contact Details

Telephone: +256 750001480
Twitter: @khainzaenergy

Our Offices

Plot 1040, Bahai Road,