About Us

Khainza Energy is committed to reducing reliance on firewood and charcoal among low income populations by transforming organic materials into clean, affordable and long lasting cooking gas (biogas). The company's vision was developed by a team of passionate, committed and creative engineers and social entrepreneurs.

Our vision is to enable improved health for people, create a cleaner environment and generate revenues for low income populations by facilitating the production of sustainable and affordable cooking solutions.

Arthur - Co-Founder, Engineer

Has a BSc Mechanical Engineering with a bias on renewable energy (bio-fuels). He loves sharing ideas and "making stuff that works".

Yunus - Co-Founder

He has been a part of the success of over 30 small and medium enterprises. He prides himself in being practical and keeping it simple.

Diana - Administrator

Has over 7 years of experience working in a charity organization for impoverished populations. She says she "does it cause nobody else will".

Isaac - Project Manager

Manages client accounts, sales and after sale services. Has exceptional communication skills

Vianey - Engineer

Has 3 years of hands on experience in renewable energy systems and installations.

Our Values

Our company's culture is deeply embedded in every member of our team. We believe in conscious leadership and dedicated service. Our core values are integrity, accountability and professionalism.

By choosing to work with us, you can be guaranteed a wholesome clean cooking experience!

Integrity 90%

Accountability 100%

Professionalism 95%


We offer reliable products and services that meet clients needs at the highest standards.


We believe that everyone ought to take responsibility for their actions in all honesty.


Qualified and competent staff offers services at the highest standards and level of quality.

Contact Details

Telephone: +256 750001480
Email: contact@khainza.com
Twitter: @khainzaenergy

Our Offices

Plot 1040, Bahai Road,