What we do

Biogas Systems Installations and Maintenance. Packaging of Biogas in Cylinders. Trainings in Biogas Technology.

Why Choose Us

Our professional and experienced team delivers the most efficient biogas solutions at competitive rates.

Our Mission

To reduce reliance on firewood and charcoal among low income populations by offering clean cooking solutions.

Welcome to Khainza!

Our company is passionate about people, their health and the environment. We are committed to reducing reliance on wood fuels by enabling the adoption and use of biogas as a clean, affordable and sustainable cooking fuel solution.

We build and install a diverse range of biogas systems in all sizes for homes, farms and schools. Whether you need a portable backyard plastic system or a large scale brick and mortar system for industrial use, we have the expertise, experience and track record to deliver lasting solutions.

We are the first company in Uganda to commercialize the processing and packaging of biogas in cylinders. We also offer biogas trainings to youth and women.

Why Choose Biogas

Biogas is the best alternative to using firewood and charcoal because it is clean, affordable and easy to produce using readily available materials. Quick facts;

  • Burns with no smoke, smell or particulate matter
  • Up to 6 hours of cooking gas daily!
  • Clean cooking for over 25 years
  • 100% organic, produced from waste materials
  • Can be packaged in cylinders for sale
  • Environmentally friendly

Products & Services

Lets Build Your Biogas System Today!

We offer both fixed and portable biogas systems. Our fixed biogas systems are built using brick and mortar (sand, cement, gravel) and come in sizes ranging from 6m3 to 50m3. Larger sizes are available on request. Our smart portable systems are built from plastic tanks and can be installed in your backyard!

A biogas system converts organic materials such as livestock waste and kitchen residues into clean cooking gas. The gas is piped directly to a stove in your kitchen. The amazing blue flame burns with no smoke, smell or residues, ensuring that you have a clean kitchen always. You can monitor gas levels via a pressure gauge. If the gas is running low, simply add more organic materials to the system and cook longer!

To get a biogas system installed, simply schedule a consultation with our highly professional experts. We will get a better understanding of your energy (cooking needs) and make a site visit. This information will enable us to recommend the best digester size for your home, farm or school. On approval of our quotation, your brand new biogas system will be installed in only 10 days! You will enjoy clean cooking and lighting for over 25 years!

Clean, Affordable Gas!

Khainza Energy processes biogas and packages it in cylinders for sale. Our 8kgs cylinder offers over 120 hours of cooking time (two months for a family of five). It costs 35% less than a bag of charcoal and is also 25% cheaper than liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). We sell our cylinders through organized groups of women in remote areas.

Biogas, in its raw form, contains impurities which make it difficult to store in metallic (steel) cylinders. Therefore, it must be consumed at the point of production, limiting number of users. Our company has developed unique processes which enhance the quality of biogas to a purity of over 98%, making it suitable for packaging in cylinders

Our company has secured an MOU to supply 63,720 small holder farmers in 531 villages in Uganda with our biogas cylinders. We have acquired equipment with the capacity to produce over 300 cylinders per week. Our challenge is the high cost of empty cylinders. You can enable a family to cook cleaner by purchasing a cylinder for them. Each time they refill, you'll earn a profit!

With more people advocating for greener environment, the clean cooking industry is lucrative and growing rapidly. You too can become a bio-preneur! We train biogas consultants, engineers, masons and marketing experts. Women and youth are especially encouraged. We recruit from our pool of trainees and alumni to provide leads to clients. We also offer basic business skills and entrepreneurship skills for you to succeed in the biogas market!

Our company is working tirelessly to scale the adoption of biogas as a sustainable fuel alternative for low income populations. We understand that if we are to create any sustainable impact on the environment, we shall need partners to install clean gas in every kitchen. We train youth and women and equip them with skills to launch their own biogas businesses.

Are you interested in becoming an expert in biogas systems? Get in touch with us to book a place in our next intake. Please bear in mind that with our current resources, we are only able to admit up to fifteen trainees per call for applications. Khainza Energy will hire top trainees and offer all successful applicants leads to clients in the market. Women and youth are especially encouraged to apply.

Contact Details

Telephone: +256 750001480
Email: contact@khainza.com
Twitter: @khainzaenergy

Our Offices

Plot 1040, Bahai Road,